Abstract submission will open soon for 2025.
Please submit your abstract to ICIDN-2025 using the Abstract Submission Form by October 20, 2025 - CLOSED.
After successful submission, the submitter will receive a confirmation email from the organizer acknowledging the receipt of the abstract. If you do not receive a confirmation email by one week of the date of submission, please contact us at icidn2025@gmail.com.
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the ICIDN-2025 Organizing Committee for the possibility to include in oral or poster presentation at the conference. The scientific quality and relevance to the conference themes will be the sole criteria applied to select an abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts submitted for oral presentation can be accepted for poster. The authority for the final decision lies in the Organizing Committee of ICIDN-2025. Abstract submitters will receive a notification email from the organizer about the decision (acceptance or rejection) on their submitted work by October 31, 2025. If you do not receive a notification email by the above-mentioned deadline, please contact us at icidn2025@gmail.com.
Accepted oral or poster submitters have to respond within 3-4 days of receipt of a decision letter from the organizers. The notification email will also provide instructions for preparation of your talk or poster. Only registered contributions will be included in the conference’s Program and Book of Abstracts.